We are not just a church... but a family of believers
united by God's word and faith in Jesus Christ.
We are not just a church... but a family of believers
united by God's word and faith in Jesus Christ.
^ Click on the Video Above ^
Watch the warm welcome from
Rob Lowery
I have had the privilege of calling Whetstone Church my home since 1986. I love the faith and feeling of family from those who attend here. While attending Anderson University I served as Youth Pastor at Whetstone for 3 years and in other ministry roles of the church since then. I have also served as a Camp Counselor and Director of Merom Camp and Retreat Center in Merom, Indiana for over 20 years and as a supply preacher for 7 years. It is an honor to follow in the footsteps of my pastor, mentor and friend, Pastor Steve Gettinger, in sharing the good news about Jesus Christ, our Savior, from the pulpit.
While time allows, I enjoy drawing, painting, woodworking and spending time
with my kids and grandkids.
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Sunday School
Every Sunday @ 9:30am
~ + Worship Service + ~
Every Sunday @ 10:15am
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Pastor Steve and Lyn, thank you for your selfless service and devotion to our church family for 35 years. Your guidance and spiritual leadership have been a beacon of light to our congregation. We are immensely grateful for your tireless efforts in nurturing our faith and your unwavering commitment to spreading God's love and wisdom to our church, in our community and on missions around the world.
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Season of Lent
~ 40 days ~
1st Sunday of Lent
March 9th
Ash Wednesday
March 5th
Sun, Mar 9, 2025 –
United States · Eastern Time
Clocks will spring forward at 3 a.m.
March 17th, 2025
None of us can accomplish God's purpose on our own. That is why we are so committed to each other in love within the family of faith.
Cub Scouts
PACK 218
Meet at
Whetstone Christian Church
Mondays 6:30pm
It’s more than a motto,
it’s a way of life.
The Boy Scouts of America’s mission is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law. In 2018, more than 77,000 young women and their families said, “Scout Me In” when we welcomed both young men and women into our Cub Scouting program. By welcoming all, even more youth will have access to the character development and values-based leadership that Scouting promises.
Youngsters at Erskine Elementary School each Monday and Wednesday, during the school year gather up their books and supplies and troop across West 60th St. to Whetstone Christian Church, where Val Petry and a host of volunteers are waiting to provide help with homework and extra tutoring, as well as engage them in a variety of songs, games and other activities, including Bible study.
“Help for Today & Hope for Tomorrow”
all in the name of Christ.
Hungary: Translation Work
Hungarian is a notoriously difficult language to learn, and theological resources for pastors are limited and expensive. Your gift will provide resource books in Hungarian to a library for pastors.
According to Meg Gettinger-Dul, "In the years since I first went to Hungary, I’ve seen God work in wonderful ways to draw people to Himself. I consider it an honor and a joy to be a part of that work."
Beyond your prayer support, it is your financial generosity that allows us to do what we do. Every bit helps, so thank you so much for your contribution. In order for you to make your online donation, simply fill out the form below. Thank you!
The Madison County Sheriff's Chaplaincy Program communicates and shares the saving power, hope and love of Christ to the imprisoned, victims, sheriff's department employees and their families.
With 140 congregations in the Anderson area, there is great opportunity to celebrate the diversity of the various churches, said the Rev. Steve Gettinger of Whetstone Church.
Youth Serving Christ Ministries organization in Anderson, Indiana
Garri George - P O Box 123 Anderson, IN 46015 (765) 608-3059
We are reaching young people everywhere, working together with local churches and other like minded partners, to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus Christ, who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to the Word of God and prayer, passion for sharing the love of Christ and commitment to social involvement.
About Whetstone
Building on the past... Looking to the future.
…to be a church effective in the 21st Century we need a clear sense of our identity.
None of us can accomplish God's purpose on our own. That is why we are so committed to each other in love within the family of faith.
1 Thessalonians 5:17 -- pray continually, Luke 18:1 -- Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up: “Watch and pray that you not fall into temptation”
1 Cor 1:5-8 -- For in him you have been enriched in every way—with all kinds of speech and with all knowledge— God thus confirming our testimony about Christ among you. Therefore you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed. He will also keep you firm to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
You are now entering the Missionary Field
1. We believe the Bible consisting of the Old and New Testament, to be the only inspired, inerrant, infallible, authoritative Word of God written.
2. We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
3. We believe in the deity of Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.
4. We believe that for salvation of lost and sinful man regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential.
5. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by Whose indwelling power and fullness the Christian is enabled to live a godly life in this present evil world.
6. We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.
7. We believe in the spiritual unity of all believers in Christ.
Just let your minds wander with me back in the 1860’s and think there was no church building near this community. The people felt the great need of a place for worship, so they met in the Langley school house then located about one-fourth mile east of the present Roosevelt building. They did not have a regular minister. They met to worship together and who ever wished to lead them did so. Later John Sims acted as their leader. He called on each one personally to testify and the spirit of the Lord surely was present for each one received much benefit and the attendance grew beyond capacity of the building.
On January 14, 1867, Miss Julia Whetstone, daughter of Jonas Whetstone died. At that time there were not many cemeteries near here. Peter Whetstone, Uncle of Miss Whetstone living on an 80-acre farm offered his brother Jonas a strip of ground for a burial place which was later named the Whetstone Cemetery.
When the worship group at the schoolhouse grew beyond capacity it was with the consent of Mr. Whetstone to locate a new church building in the corner of the cemetery.
Charles Fits and Thomas Orr offered to build the church building. Each person interested furnished material from their own timber. Some furnished the hewed logs and others took logs to the sawmill and had them sawed and planed. Some of those who furnished materials were Peter Whetstone, Noah Shock, Mrs. Hanna McCarty, Jonas Whetstone, Eliah Poffenbarger and many others. After the building was completed, each one interested brought that material they had and met at the church and made some crude benches. Later some benches were purchased from an abandoned church in North Anderson.
The church was nondenominational. The doors were open to anyone who wished to attend or preach. The German Baptist and Brethren Congregations used it regularly.
On December 23, 1882, the members of the church met for a business meeting, and they discussed reorganizing the body. The following four principles were read and approved.
1. The Holy Bible as our only rule of faith and practice.
2. The name Christian to exclude all other names.
3. Christian character as life of holiness our only test of Christian fellowship.
4. The right of private interpretation of scripture and liberty of conscience.
This body was known as the Whetstone Organization of Christian Faith. There was no regular minister hired until near 1885. Among the most faithful who preached was James Comer and Rev. Williams who came for a free-will offering.
In the early spring of 1915, the building needed many repairs, and a committee was appointed to investigate the needs of the building. At a business meeting on May 31, 1915, it was voted to erect a new bungalow type building without a basement on the same site of the old building. The new church was dedicated December 19, 1915, by Rev. John McCorkhill, pastor assisted by Rev. J. D. Foster. a full house enjoyed the day, and money was raised in full to clear all ineptness. Later in 1920 by the co-operation of members a basement was made and a furnace installed. In 1922, electricity was extended down Brown Street Road and was put in the church by co-operation of the Ladies Aid Society which had been organized years before and had been a great asset to the church by their assistance in keeping the interior of the church attractive and helping in many other ways.
The young people of the church were very active in the promotion of the Kingdom, so they organized their group which was called the Whetstone Christian Endeavor Society. They have been very beneficial to the church and have done splendid work. During the spring of 1932 the society decided to beautify the church surroundings. Shrubbery was planted around the church and memorial corner of evergreens was dedicated Sunday, October 9, 1932, by the respective families to the memory of Lee Keller, Sylvia Stewart, William Hull, Franklin Mikels, Clinton Langley, Sarah Whetstone and Ephram Gale.
Through the efforts of Walter Whetstone, Sunday School Superintendent, and Rev. J. Wesley Stewart, pastor, a Brotherhood/Sisterhood Organized December 16, 1925. this organization has grown beyond the capacity of the church building and has spread brotherly and sisterly love through the community which has benefited the church in many ways.
The Sunday School steadily grew, and the church building was filled almost to capacity every Sunday, so the need of a larger building was felt by the Sunday School and Brotherhood Organization. A committee from the church and brotherhood was appointed to meet with the church officials and investigate some plans for enlarging the church building or build a new one. There was some discussion about enlarging the present building, but it was located so near the cemetery line and roads it was suggested to purchase a new site and build a new building.
Church Building Committee Brotherhood Building Committee
On March 20, 1938, the committee presented that a new site be purchased, and a new building be erected and the Brotherhood organization pay $5 to the Church’s $2 on the expense of the building. The report was accepted and the committee authorized to proceed with the plans. On April 10 it was voted to purchase a three-acre tract of ground from Mrs. Hattie Harmeson which was located directly across the road to the North from the present site, at $500 per acre.
On July 24, 1938, a breaking of the ground service was held when Rev. G. R. Osborn, pastor, turned over the first spade of earth. Work was started on the basement the following week and the cement for the foundation was poured on Thursday, August 18.
The new building was erected by a lot of donated labor with Melvin Williams of Lapel as head superintendent. Records of labor was kept and allowed as cash on their subscriptions for the finance of the building. The laying of the cornerstone was held Sunday, October 9, 1938, when a large crowd enjoyed the day.
In 2023 the Whetstone Christian Church celebrated 150 years.
Some of the pastors of the church include: Walter Coe, Rev. Hinkle, Rev. Newhouse, Rev. Garritson, Bruce Mounsey, J. Wesley Stewart, Delmar Harrold, Howard Warner, Stephen Gettinger.
The 2024 Whetstone Church Officers includes: Becky Jacobs (Chairman of the church), Karen Russell (Vice-Chairman of the church), Sandra Newman (Clerk), Roger Jacobs (Treasurer), Larry Ruth (Financial Secretary), Tod Webb (Asst. Financial Secretary); Diaconate: Sandra Newman, Roger & Becky McCarty, Bob & Karen Russell, Judy Parks, Martha Broshar, Bill & Cindy Eggert; Trustees: Dan Seal, Bob Russell, David Hardacre, Bob Orebaugh, Roger Jacobs, Larry Broshar, Lyndon Keys, Larry Beard; Clerk: Sandra Newman; Treasurer: Roger Jacobs; Financial Secretary: Larry Ruth; Asst. Financial Secretary: Tod Webb; Stewards: Judy Parks, Larry Broshar, Dan & Linda Seal, Sandy Newman, Roger & Becky Jacobs, Larry Ruth; Auditors: Dan Seal, Larry Broshar; Christian Ed. Committee: Cheryl Hardacre, Judy Parks, Lyn Gettinger, Debbie Keys, Connie Herndon, Rob Lowery, Becky Hollingsworth; Ministerial Committee: Karen Russell (Vice-Chariman of the church), Becky Jacobs (Charman of the church), Sandra Newman (Clerk), Roger Jacobs (Treasurer), Larry Ruth (Financial Secretary), Becky McCarty (Diaconate Rep.), Roger McCarty (Diaconate Rep.), Dan Seal (Trustee Chair), Cheryl Hardacre (Christian Ed. Chair), Peggy McConnell (at Large member).
Whetstone Christian Church
5940 S. Madison Ave. Anderson, IN 46013